now i see that the young have less interest in administrative services.though there are exceptions that engineers,technologists,doctors go for exams,but they are all those who are not satisfied with their first profession or not does not look that after wasting so much time they want to change line the circumstances may be different.the talented get campus selection for higher job as soon as they complete studies.seeing exceptions we must not think that brighter have charm for administrative jobs.the reason of graph going down and to go more in future reason is that the senior officials are directed by different opinions.sometimes they even feel humiliated when unnecessary transferred or even not cooperated by political powers.every department is directed by some who even not know the a.b.c.d.,of the technology or management.sometimes they can not decide either to favour or go by law.this sometimes create law and order much of interference even keep them away from their responsibilities.every party favours as per his agenda.
what i want to high light is that government servant is always in very tense position,who to favour and who to not.if he is strict in public interest he have have to face confrontation by the protesters. today on the wall of d.m. site i was reading a comment,this is a way to protest in democracy.i could not understand that where it is in constitution to effect the rights of mass by few protesters.the railway lines,high ways,important roads have become a weapon for calling the administration and way of protest. o.k. it is to highlight the problems but their are other ways.why these are not put up in zero hours in parliament or can be taken up peacefully by giving memorandum with signatures and the verification i.d.,to be attached for genuine support of the supporter,idles also go along with them as it was stated by a senior leader few days back that the damage of government property was not the deed of their party.if all in writing this will also prevent such.anti socials or even other opposition party supporters who can even take advantage of such occasions.Agra had been always sensitive and on many occasions the stories are shaped communal.state controlled problems can be put up in assemblies and the working days of parliament and assemblies must be i suggested in my previous blogs and columns a place should be fixed for demonstrations.years back they were occasional but now all parties adopt this method now even communities/non political parties have started this for their demands and can be seen on any incident.any problem block the rods for compensation early settlement.a day will come that so much of jams will occur due to such that people will not reach offices,hospitals,schools which is also a right of citizen of by this i request the assembly and parliament to put this matter in houses and a law should be made to prevent use of public roads and tracks for such purposes.all political parties should cooperate and a method to be found to reduce the problem of mass and common man who are more bothered to run their livelihood....
najeeb khan
agra-282005 .
this i have written to to have limitations of interference in the work of administrative authorities.they may have liberty to control the law and order as per their way.they may not work under any pressure,they may decide as is required seeing the situation.over all they are working for governments only.